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Monday, Jan. 24, 2011 at 9:02 p.m.

a friend of mine from high-school got married this summer. i flew in to attend her wedding.
like any other girl in this time and day, and needless to say with her looks, she has had a couple of previous relationships before her husband. nothing premicious. all senciere, always with a promise of eternal love, and marriage. that never happened of course.
anyhow, there was this one that drained the life out of her during high-school. he was the one. supposedly.
she told me how hard it was to get over him, and how she went through a lot. i don't blame her, we were (are) all young and naive.
she told me that her husband and her have a deal to not talk about any previous relationships they've had to eachother. i very much agreed with that, its pointless and silly to talk about previous relationships that without a doubt shaped you but play no role in your current life as you have a new one that has nothing to do with them, and they one that has nothing to do with you. this was our summer conversation, and i said i will do the same as her. i don't want to know about yours, and you don't need to know about mine -- not that there's anything interesting anyways.
what has me thinking about this again is a book i am reading: The Girls of Riyadh. its pretty much an arab gossip girl following the lives of 4 of riyadh's young elites. each of them in her own world of love, independence, misery, divorce, child bearing, euphoria... you know how it goes.
it just made me want to keep the deal even more.
jealousy is a bitch, anger is another.

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