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Monday, Dec. 12, 2011 at 12:54 a.m.

�I want you to take a second right now to start truly grabbing hold of your future. I want you to imagine yourself ten years down the road and imagine every aspect of your life. Your job, your spouse, your kids, even your friends. But don�t imagine the future that you think you�re heading for, the future that seems most logical with your set of circumstances, but rather imagine the future that you desire most. Forget all the expectations everyone else has for you, and while you�re at it go ahead and forget the ones you have for yourself. Ignore, for just a second, all of those expectations and instead concentrate on what it is you truly want out of life. I want you to visualize the road that will take you there to the future you desire most. That is your path. That is where you belong,� he said.�

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