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Saturday, Sept 16, 2017 at 10:03 p.m.

It's nice revisiting and doing things you haven't done in a while. Even if they might be mundane. I feel anything, especially acts, that you put your heart into go smoother.
I spent the weekend in AD, made an effort to visit my cousins especially Wafa. The min I saw baby Khalid, all I could think of was my uncles face and how much he would have loved him. I teared up watching him play. Having a support system is everything. Especially when being a single parent.
Going out to the mall with Wafa and her 2 kids made me realize the other side of parenthood and think about it even more.
Also made me think about the whole nature vs nurture and how kids / children are. I am happy to see how Lulu and Lana are growing up for the most part they are very dependable, easy going and smart. Their brother on the other hand.... Is a little shocking for an 8 year old with "only son syndrome"

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