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Monday, Aug. 11, 2008 at 5:06 p.m.

Whoever knows me well knows I'm not much of a reader. A book needs to grab my attention from the first page for me to read it all.
This summer I have finished three books. All by the amazing Sydney Sheldon.

There's something about his books that I really like, I don't know if I can exactly, as they say, "put a finger" on it... but its there. For me to read 3 books all in one go, with barely a week or two in between? It's definitely there.

I have read:
- Morning Noon & Night
- Best Laid Plans
- The Other Side of Midnight

His characters are always strong, powerful, and filled with will and vengeance. A lot of vengeance actually.
his characters seem to find all their strength through vengeance. Sometimes I wish someone would push me that far for me to set my mind to doing something, and doing it right. Like his characters in a way -- excluding Noelle Page in The Other Side of Midnight she was horrid when she killed the child in her womb just to get back at the man that left her.
What I mean is, like sometimes you hear about people going through a rough childhood, and making the best out of it, becoming successful people in life.. I am not wishing a horrible thing upon me, but I am just saying just one person/incident that'll bring the best out of me.. Even if it comes after pain and tears. As long as it comes, right?

Something I found funny in all three books that I read: there was always a homosexual somewhere! Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against homosexuals, but he always seemed to have one put somewhere. It makes you think...

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