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I'm trying to remember if I was afraid of the dark when I was younger. I don't seem to remember. I do remember, vaugly, that I always liked to sleep with my door cracked. So I guess I did like some light.
Till now I prefer open doors to closed doors. Even though I've been behind closed doors for the past two weeks. I only leave my room to eat, and go to class.
Sometimes I wish I lived in the 17th century. I don't know what its like, but yea anything but here.
Maybe the time when electricity was just invented, or the phone. That would be cool.
I lack excitement in my life at the moment, I wish I was more of an adventurous person.
I haven't been spending as much time with Shilpi, and that's kind of annoying me. She's prolly the only person I can physically go to and be on the same level with.. So close, yet so far. University sucks at times like this.
I have a 15 page research paper to write. I don't know where to start. I'm about 2 pages in, and its all bullshit, just bullshit. Yes, bullshit. I wonder what bullshot smells like.
I feel like I'm repeating the same thing over and over in what I've written, and at times finding it pointless. But you need to fill up 15 pages with something, right? Why not bullshit.
Its 2:16:21 ? , sleep calls.

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