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Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at

I only write when I am angry, annoyed, aggravated, and/or upset.
Basically when I am in a bad mood. I am not an emo child, I promise.

Is it bad to detest those arrogant fucks that think they have their lives together with their so called plans?
You know what, they're from the very few people that make me go down on my knees and pray to god that they don't get what they want.
Not because I am hating on them, no. I am not a hater. Just because they're arrogate fucks, who in this case, are just book smart and never had a job in their life cause they're too busy being great at school.
Then they have the fucking nerve to tell me I have nothing to live for just because I don't have plan like theirs. Really, fuck you.

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