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Tuesday, Jun. 01, 2010 at 6:28 p.m.

I read a crazy ass novel that I couldn't put down this summer: Exremly Loud and incredibly close. Now crazy and couldn't �put down for reasoons unknwown. Not exactly because it was such an amazing novel that i couldn't get enough... It upset me on many occasions, it made me skip pages, it made me scratch my head, it confused me, it made me aww, it made me giggle... Many mixed emotions. Most efed up book I have ever read. I wonder where the author got the idea from... I wonder how he kept his head on straight whie writing it.

Anyhow, in the book the man who is living mesribly
�with his wife enjoyed going to the airport to see other people reunit, to secretly rejoyce with them.�

"I like to see people reunited, maybe that's a silly thing, but what can I say, I like to see people run to eachother, I like the kissing and the crying, I like the impatience, the stories that the mouth can't tell fast enough, the ears that aren't big enough, the eyes that can't take in all the change, I like the hugging, the bringing together, the end of missing someone... Being here fills my heat with joy, even if the joy isn't mine..."

Now tell me thad not the longest sentence you've ever read?!

On May 8th I experienced something similar to this old mans feelings. Not exactly with people reuniting at an airport, but at my brothers graduation. It was of people being proud of accomplishments, and the joy of living to see someone you love and care aboit grow right before yor eyes. The excitmet of an end and a new beginning.�
I've written something about becoming more emotional with age before, well boy was I emotional that day!�
I was put in charge of taking pictures of the family. so I was standing at the end of the stage where people come off the stage after they get what they've worked for waitng for the "big bro" and just seeing others gasp, tear, hug, and kiss .... I don't know I felt something I don't think I have ever felt before. I was happy for strangers, really happy. Weirdly happy.

I must say, I feel bad for my friends that have decided to miss out on their own graduation.�
I've always felt graduation is something that marks the end and the beginning of something you've worked hard and long on, why not celebrate! (formally)

Can't wait till mine :)
I know it won't near my brothers considering he was valedictoria....never been prouder to be his sister.

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