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Friday, Oct. 01, 2010 at 10:35 p.m.

I know close to nothing about him. Heck I don't even know what he looks like! And guess what? I don't even care.

Which is not in my nature, as I love to ask questions and know everything. Not for gossip, I despise gossiping, but I'm just curious person? It helps me understand people better, and some what predict actions.
He taught me not to ask, just listen to what's to be said to me. Almost like they'll have more meaning that way.
You get to go through "natural steps of trusting" if that means anything to anyone out there. Who ever wants to lie to you, will lie without a doubt. But when what's going to be said, is said cause the person wants to say it.... Some how somewhere there's a difference.

I never need to remind him about the things we've spoken about, nor him I. I, weirdly, genuinely care to know how he's doing every now and then.

sometimes I wish he would hurt me so I can forget him...

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