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Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2010 at 10:42 p.m.

Memories fade like a dusty window pane
And you can't see your past no more
The only thing that remains is that feeling of warmth
In your heart that will always be there� be there

There's nothing that can describe that feeling of warmth and smile that comes to my lips, the sweet euphoric numbness in my brain, the world I go into.
When that comes, if I am talking, I stop. I'm busy enjoying those memories and all the warmth and gayness they bring with them. Nirvana.

Is he some one I should hold on to and never forget? I doubt.
Is he someone that has had such a positive affect on me? Nothing drastic.
Is he of influence? Not really.
He is someone I learnt and laughed with, definetly. Someone I enjoyed the moment with, for sure.

Taking off my glasses, telling me how beautiful I am and how much he loves my big brown eyes, saying he'll lead me when I said I couldn't see without them.
Sticking his tongue down my throat, refusing his kiss telling him he was drunk and slobby. Getting a firm and offended reply of: I am drunk. But I am NOT slobby!
Talking to me in languages I don't understand, and probablly will never understand, telling me the randomest stuff ever. Telling me the only word/phrase he knows in my language, and it being I love you.
Trying to translate everything he's telling me in these forgien languages of his into a language we share in common.
Holding my hand firmly, when complimented on his what seemed to be new softness gives you a little intoxicated perky ad of appreciation to his new lotion - aveeno.
Reading bits of his diary to me before bed.

a walk to remember.

Time goes by on the wings of a butterfly
And what goes with it is all that you have
So take the best of every moment, take the best of every man
Then move on and don't ever look back.. Don�t look back

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