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Monday, Feb. 06, 2012 at 1:53 p.m.

Even though I've only known this young man for 80 days, 2 months and 19 days.. All I can say is that there really is something magical about him.

I can't even pin point it. It's not like I've been with so many men in my short life, but with him, it's been different.
He makes me feel beautiful, and not through the clich� "oh baby you're so hot" he doesn't even need to talk. Just being around him, being with him

I am always comfortable around him, a comfortable I have never experienced before. Definitely not with someone from the opposite sex. There's something so alluring about him.
We're totally opposite, I am more out there talking to the hobo on the street, he's more reserved and timid, some how we compliment each other. I came to notice that most, if not all, the guys I have ever been attracted to are much quieter than I am. The type (if you knew me) you wouldn't pick for me. It's almost like I like the shy boys because I see a side of them not everyone gets to see which makes me (in my head) do the whole if only you knew, if only .

I have an issue with outshining the person I am with -- I just can't do that. I like a shy man. But I like a shy man that has something to say when he does choose to speak.

I think we compliment each other with our knowledge and interests. Many people say you should be with that shares your interests, with him I see the opposite. It is nicer to be with someone who you feel can compliment your knowledge and interests.
He loves to read and write. He grew up far away from television and movies, I grew up with an interest in reading and writing, but closer to television and media. He loves politics, I know of politics, he grew up in the west, I grew up in the east, he knows things I don't know, I know things he doesn't know.

I can go on and on about him.
I just want to say: I've never felt this way, and I'm lovin' it

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