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Tuesday, Mar. 24, 2015 at 9:42 p.m.

I've never felt the pressure to succeed.

To me making a difference, being good at what you do, and enjoying it is pretty much my main criteria when choosing what to do.

Even if it not enjoyable, or if you're not exactly amazing at it (ie: school system/university) you're doing it because it contributes to a bigger picture that takes you forward to something else. (I hope I haven't lost you yet)

Define success...

Getting all the things you want? Doesn't happen, we always change our mind and want more anyways.
Achieving permanence? Impossible
Are you still gonna die? Yep
Success is just doing what ever you want
The thing is though: the world rewards success
In more ways than one
And that's the good part of success
But if you don't care about those things...then it's pointless
But if you want to be loved and respected and buy nice things then I'm sure it's great
But again, it doesn't last

So if I had to give my children advice on being successful, I'd tell them to do what they like

This takes me back to what I want to be doing in life...

I've been thinking of "young me" a lot these days, or at least trying to (I have amnesia when it comes to my young self)

I got these really vivid flash backs... One back to the late 90s, I must have been around 10 years old. I attended some sort of charity event at my brother's fancy school, and there was a, then famous, journalist that worked on Al Jazeera. For that time she was a big shot (I think she still is) A. She was an ARAB woman B. She read the news and had a politics show by her self C. She was aggressive and provoking D. She is drop dead gorgeous

I think she was there guest of honor for the event, and she stood up and did this little speech thing... then she said that she was honored to be part of this charity event and blah blah blah how much money they had raised that night. I remember tearing up. Mind you, I was about 10 if not younger... I've written about it before, my emotions of crying during a movie or a sentimental moment only kicked in when I was 21.
I remember thinking that night that that's what I want to be... I want to be a productive member of my society, someone that gives back and makes a difference.
Sometimes I think everyone wants to be that, but with age and the more people I meet.. Not everyone has the same interest, which is normal and a relief!

Then again 8 years ago, I was 19 at a very frustrating time of my life, at an event with lots of inspiring people from many walks of life... and again I envisioned myself giving back on a very large scale.

My first job was exactly what I needed, I was giving back to my community of students and graduates. Giving people "aha" moments and making them believe that they can go after everything and anything they want.

I just switched jobs to something more corporate. It's maybe too early to say i hate it... but for sure I do hate the "souls" that are there. and now I am just thinking of how do i start giving back again, where do i start, what is my calling... should i at least master this, tick it off, and then give them all the middle finger before going on to something that is more me?

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