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Wednesday, Aug. 03, 2016 at 10:04 a.m.

Hey there Prude.

You've made it to 28, you're still single, you were in a beautiful relationship for a year and a half and rxperienced your first heartbreak.

It took you a year to move on, you're back to falling in love with the stranger on the road.
You got friendzoned by a 32 year old that can't get over a 6 month relationship he was in.

You're on your first self funded trip, and it's lovely to see how you can reconnect with ppl after over 4 years of being away and barely in touch.

This city is so beautiful in the summer, it's insane. At times I wish winter did not exist, but then it also has its own charm.

Boys that express themselves so nicely with written words, and less in person and action.
Going with the impulse of grabbing their face and kissing them on the cheek cause you're having a Jolly time loitering on a hipster street bench on Bank street.

These mosquitos are trying to kill me.

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