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Sunday, Jun. 11, 2017 at 5:32 p.m.

M came over before iftar and ugly cried in my bed. I cuddled with her for a bit and didn't dare to ask her what was wrong.
To date she still hasn't told me what happened... but her boyfriend called me on his way to breaking up with her.

I am so sick of the whole customs and traditions that in theory should never know color or race but in action brag about how they see both color and race.

He called me all chocked up and said that there was nothing he can do about it right now, and asked me to take care of her.

It brings me back to Coca, and these were the main reasons i broke up with him. Cause neither of us was ready to fight and we both knew neither of our parents would accept. This month marked 2 years since our breakup, and may it is a little sad to say i am still in love with him. We have managed to keep it civil, and we are still friends that chat almost on a weekly basis -- i am sure that's not the best situation, when he's married in a new world, and i am lonely in mine.
Honestly though, i still feel we get along a lot. I don't think there was ever a laundry list of things i didn't like about him, and he did improve a lot over the year that we dated. I myself improved a lot.

There are many things about me that he just GETS, and I don't have to explain it. Don't get me started on how accepting he is of my kinks. We share a nonchalant look on life, we know we're smart and work hard on whatever we're working on, we don't brag about achievements nor are we the eager beavers of the world. We just are. We can sit together in silence, we can eat alone, we don't have trust issues, we are not attention seekers. The list really does go on.

Anyways, I was just thinking, that if our generation is struggling from our parents generation with the whole customs and traditions, do you think our generation will put the next generation (our children) in the same misery when it comes to these things?

I hope to God not!!

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