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Monday, Jul. 09, 2012 at 6:24 p.m.

If you're reading this, I want you to stop and take a deep deep breath. Maybe 2 or 3, until you feel relaxed. Are you relaxed yet?

I am 24 years old, and it is only till now that I can say I can breathe, in a very lost way, and say wow, things have been hectic,.

We live in the fast lane for so long -- if you have chosen to take the school route -- think about it, we're in school from age, around, 4 years old up until 21/22 this is if everything goes well and if you didn't choose the more school lane where you end up finishing a couple of years after, everything is fast, it is a mission in many ways. You are there to get to the end.

Getting to the end is a very different thing, when and if you choose to get to the end, we all imagine it to be a beautiful thing, where things just get brighter and shinier -- sugar and spice and everything nice!
But it's not. I do not think I have ever felt so broken in my life. Right I lived on the fast lane, went through all the ups and downs, had my fun, met all sorts of people on the way, learned a heck a lot, but holy cow, who am I at the end of all this? Do I know my self?

There should be a recovering period after this fast paced life where you just get to be alone with your self. Put the things together, everything you've learned, put your self together, notice your little pet peeves, notice what clams you, what aggravates you, what makes you happy, who makes you happy, make the changes to your self that you always wanted to.

It scares me to think that I might share a life with someone, and give life to someone else, before I do this for my self. Get my self into a huge mess not knowing my self yet needing to figure someone else out

What I would like to work on:

- Time management
- Think before I react
- Think a hundred times before I say anything
- Learn to adjust and accept what I don't like with an open heart
- Putting my self together
- Knowing what/who I want vs what/who I need

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